condensation in homes explained
Condensation forms inside homes because the warm air inside a home can hold more moisture than cool air outside and when this warm moist air meets a cold surface (such as a window or frame), it condensates
Older homes that are more “leaky” are better able to naturally ventilate this moist air through gaps in the building fabric.Unfortunately, this also take the heat with it!
During a renovation, if the building fabric is better sealed, this air is better kept within the building envelope which is a good thing for improving efficiency in terms of heating/cooling, but also means that there is less fresh air venting through the house and means moisture tends to stay in the envelope
Other than reducing the indoor temperature, which is not ideal in winter, here’s what you can do to create a very comfortable and efficient home that doesn’t have severe condensation:
Reduce cold surfaces in the house by using energy efficient doors and window with good double or triple glazing
Try to dry the air out by reducing the humidity. Here are some examples:
Use extraction fans while cooking (boiling water, even boiling the kettle), showering, using a tumble dryer etc. and even keep this on for 10-15 mins afterwards to try get as much of that moisture out as possible
If hanging clothes/towels/sheets to dry inside, try and keep this in one room with the door closed and ventilate where possible (i.e. keep a window ajar) to avoid the moisture travelling around the entire house
Use a dehumidifier to actively reduce the humidity within the air
If exercising in the home, try to ventilate the room
Words provided by G-Lux Builders